Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Is The Intelligence Industrial Complex Out of Control - What In God's Name Is the CIA Doing?

Well, they say in the CIA that nothing is as it appears. The world of spy craft is filled with misdirection, false media reports, political manipulation, and plausible deniability. As I write this in mid-October of 2012 it seems as if the American people cannot seem to get the true information about what happened in Libya embassy attack, where our ambassador to Libya was killed on September 11, 2012. We can't seem to get any satisfaction at of our State Department, the Obama administration, our news media, or even the global media for that matter.

We were told one thing, then another, now nothing adds up. So what the heck is going on? Is the intelligence industrial complex out of control, and what in God's name is are CIA doing? How come they didn't know that there were Al Qaeda insurgents in Libya, or that they had been infiltrated in the local militias there? Was Iran involved, are we headed for something bigger, why is there a big dark secret surrounding this event? Don't the American people have the right to know? Just because there's an ongoing investigation doesn't mean our government should lie to us, or does it?

Well, now we're getting somewhere in this conversation. Remember, "nothing is as it appears," there's a lot more going on behind the scenes, what we do not know, we are not told, and those who think they know and are spouting their opinions all over the news media do not know what they're talking about or they are purposefully misdirecting us, and those that do know the facts remain silent.

There is a very interesting book I'd like to have you read, and yes, it is a book I do personally own, and it resides on my spy-craft shelf of my personal library. The book is:

"CIA - Secrets of 'the Company'" by Mick Farren, published by Barnes and Noble Books, New York, NY, 2004, 304 pages, ISBN: 0-7607-5963-4.

This book talks about the CIA in Guatemala, Cuba, Bay of Pigs, Air America, the Phoenix program and some of their PSYOPS of the past. It explains why we have the CIA, how it was founded, and some of the things that they are doing around the globe. There is information about the agency, their training, their strategies, and the unbelievable power they have available at their disposal.

The book is interesting, and it is scary. It makes you think about why the CIA's needed and why there needs to be control. I think after you read this book you will better understand some of what you hear it read in the mass media. Please consider all this and think on it.

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