Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Stuff For Doctors - Young And Not So Young

I have read a lot about how doctors struggle to pay off their college debts while paying high malpractice insurance and other costs of running a medical practice. While the incomes of medical doctors are certainly high we often don't hear a whole lot about the cost side.

Doctor's Eyes Only: Exclusive Financial Strategies for Today's Doctors and Dentists not only discusses the cost side in-depth but offers perceptive insight and valuable advice to new doctors entering medicine and to seasoned doctors who have run their own practice for years. This fascinating book is written by Tom Martin, Paul Larson and Jeff Larson who are financial advisors to doctors and dentists.

Seasoned doctors are advised how to manage risks, including malpractice, and how to avoid destroying their marriage by working long hours and long weeks at the expense of the wife and children. Important advice also is given on the importance of sharing their wealth and medical skills, both in the U.S. and around the world.

Young doctors are offered some very critical advice about what to consider when signing contracts with a medical firm or hospital after graduating and completing all requirements to enter the profession. Other important advice concerns disability insurance and how to handle cash flow to assure a secure future.

I certainly enjoyed reading this book but am sure doctors and dentists will get far more than enjoyment - they will be exposed to important financial advice for practitioners that they will receive anywhere else.

Best Modern Fantasy Books

The fantasy genre is a very much sought type of literature. It's easy to read, captivating and 'different' than our worldly experiences. Since Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings the scene has changed a lot, and a new style emerged, that left dungeons and dragons in the dark and focused on the more mundane aspects of life, however all taking place in a fantasy world.

1. The First Law, by Joe Abercrombie

This one takes the cherry. It's a hard and brutal account of war and plotting set in a fantasy world where there's no such thing as a good hero. Or a bad one, for that matter. If you're into happy endings and knights in shining armors, this one ain't for you. Abercrombie's take on writing is very much alike life in the real world: unfair, brutal and unpredictable. Foul language, blood and gore extremely well depicted and a near perfect way of writing make this trilogy the best I have read so far. It's definitely modern.

2. A Song Of Ice And Fire, by George R. R. Martin

You may be familiar with this one as HBO has made a TV series called Game Of Thrones based on it. Just like the one mentioned above, this one is pretty heavy. No good deed goes unpunished, one might say about it. Very elaborate, very complex and extremely long. You will get to live in it, really. Very few magic appears, which is good, most characters get to die, which is less good. Do not get attached to characters, you will lose them at some point.

3. Chronicles Of The Black Company, by Glen Cook

This one is milder. It depicts the adventures of the Black Company, a band of mercenaries that roam the world in various stages of employment. It is more like a chronicle than a movie, so there's not much fighting depicted in an elaborate manner. The plot focuses mainly on intrigue, and various points of view grant a much wider appreciation of the storyline. It has nine books, but it's nowhere near as long as the aforementioned saga. And obviously, it has nothing to do with dragons. It does feature some fine points of wizardry, though. The characters are very vivid and there's no such thing as overly good or overly evil. It's mainly a story about surviving and going back to the roots, where the main character is not just one person, but the Black Company itself.

Oana is an active user of Lacartes.com - a business network for people looking to connect with friends and meet people with similar interests and share photos, updates, reviews and more.What I like to do most in my spare time is read. Not newspapers or magazines, I have enough of reality the rest of my time. I'm talking about fantasy books, the kind that makes you forget the bitterness of the reality. This article can only be reproduced in its entirety when the link to lacartes.com is live at all times.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What a Difference Between Industry Books Written By Academics and Those From Real Experience

Recently, I had read a book on Construction Management written by a PhD professor, and just last night I finished a construction book written by those in the industry who had been in the building and construction trade for 40 plus years. Wow, what a difference indeed. Let me discuss with you some of the differences.

Now then, I am not going to recommend the Construction Management book, which also appears to be used as a textbook, as it was uneventful and not such good advice, fairly shallow information which wouldn't help an actual business person much. The book I'd like to recommend to you is;

"Running a Successful Construction Company," by David Gerstel, a Taunton's "For Pros, By Pros" series book, Taunton Press, Newtown CT, 2002, 265 Pages, ISBN: 1-56158-530-0.

Okay so, am I chastising the PhD publish or perish professor? No, because she too was once out here in the real world prior to going back to teaching, who knows why, maybe she couldn't make it in the real world or maybe she just retired and likes to teach, so she got her PhD and a nice college gig?

It's just that these professors try to pull rank on all of us out here in the real world who have actually done something, it makes me wonder why. You see, I wrote a business plan, mine was 400 pages and although that's not the common format, I did that much research, which is double the normal dissertation, but the content and amount of work involved was similar to the work to put together a thesis or dissertation, I studied the industry, carefully projected what I was going to do, wrote it all down, but then this is where things change - as I actually created the business. So, I ask; where is my PhD? See that point.

Back to these two books. It is amazing how easy it is to see if the author or authors know what they're talking about. There are just little tidbits of information, things which are very important which are explained in greater detail by those who are actually in the field. Merely categorizing facts, figures, and information is one thing, but explaining how all that information and knowledge must be used, with relevant case studies is surely another.

Additionally, it is quite obvious when an author of a business book goes into greater details about all the rules and regulations of the industry, rather than the how-to knowledge it takes to actually do it. There is a big difference between following all the rules, getting all the licenses, and doing an overview of the industry than when you actually get out there and have to do it in the real world.

The Dark Traveller Ebook Review

Cindy Wright's The Dark Traveller is a unique compilation that details with precision and accuracy the movement of the Black Death in London and the small area of Eyam in the 1660's. The quantity of facts and figures offered is far more than what one gets reading general European history. For history lovers researching this infamous time, The Dark Traveller is an invaluable resource because it is one of the most in depth references around. Wright eloquently and accurately tells of the chaos without being unnecessarily theatrical. The reader is swept to feel like they are living in London in 1665. Well written and concise, The Dark Traveller references primary resources of the time, giving it an authoritative stand on the subject matter.

For attentive learners interested in digging up medical history, this is an essential read because it focuses on the early efforts to quell the disease. After reading The Dark Traveler, one will appreciate the advents of modern sanitation and more a sophisticated knowledge of human health. All together, it is an intriguing bit of the past that can take anyone back in time to understand. It reads briefly and articulately covering the whys and hows of every major aspect of the tale.

Additionally, within The Dark Traveler are suitable illustrations to enhance the reader's experience. The most remarkable aspect about this informative work is the amount of detail included that is not common knowledge: from names and lives of actual people that passed away, to the story of a town that sacrificed itself to the disease. It is shocking how many pseudo-cures had been created to fight the Bubonic Plague. Some are sure to make one shudder.

As always, Wright is very concise and factual. In the Dark Traveller, the story of the bubonic plague is ushered forth from antiquated times into a tangible reality. With details found from archives, a very full story of demise and death tolls rising is told. Like a ghost walking from person to person unseen, but perceiving the lives of victims, The Dark Traveler has a different overall aura than most historical texts. It has a bit of closeness to each person that lived as if one has the privilege to run into that person hundreds of years ago before moving on to someone else. The Black Death becomes all the more real.

This highly educational experience will greatly enhance understanding and bring one into a higher plane of knowledge. This is the perfect resource for any research paper concerning the Black Death or health in the 15th century due to its respectability, authority, and convenient briefness. One just might think twice too the next time one is bitten by a flea. However, do not be scared of the moribundity, The Dark Traveler is also a story of survivors who didn't succumb to the Black Death's lethal grasp. The Dark Traveler is meant to take the reader back with such an experience that it is even used as travel companion in London to see all the places where every event did truly happen. Sure to haunt and educate, read for the memory of lethal bygone days.

A Short Summary of Frederick Douglass' Narrative

Frederick Douglass was born in 1818? (like many slaves he was unsure of his exact date of birth) in Tuckahoe, Maryland and died on February 20, 1895, Washington D.C. As one of the main precursors of Afro-American writing he was a self-taught scholar and a self-made man par excellence for his time. He was the author of the "Narrative", "My Bondage and My Freedom" and essays on slavery while his Narrative on his real life incidents is his masterpiece. Later after his emancipation Frederick Douglass became a social reformer, orator and statesman and the charismatic leader of the abolitionist movement.

Like all slave narratives Douglass' was no exception and begins with the following lines: "I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about twelve miles from Easton, in Talbot County". The story portrays his personal experiences, struggles and his unfortunate daily encounters with his masters and expresses the story's hopeful message that there would be hope in the future. In the first few chapters he gives ample accounts of the lives of other slaves in the Great Farm House describing in a clear engaging manner the brutality, starvation and the dehumanization of these people under servitude. He has used these themes to a stunning effect to illustrate and condemn the abominable practice of slavery. Though these real life incidents were written very much later after his emancipation they are told convincingly and emotionally by Douglass who conveys his pathos and sympathy for his brothers under bondage. He begins with a tableau of shocking violence, when as a young boy he watched the whipping of his aunt by the master that reflected the white people's sordid savagery who did not accept slaves as genuinely human. They are also filled with extreme anger and incomprehension with the dehumanization of the whole system and structure of slavery.

This autobiographical account in itself is written in a language easily readable with just eleven chapters filled with details tracing his life as a young boy and ultimately a self emancipated adult. For the epoch it was a daring work and is considered even today as one of the masterpieces of this genre. The book also outlines the literary elements of the story, which is a first-person recounting of the life of a slave and these anecdotes were very popular with the Northern white population who was more or less against this cruel institution. These writings in general greatly influenced writers like Harriet Beecher Stowe and her "Uncle Tom's Cabin". Later Mark Twain's masterpiece "Huck Finn" with the colorful character of the fugitive slave Jim who was directly inspired by these people who ran away from the South seeking freedom in the North. These slave narratives were written with a certain purpose for they were meant to depict and describe the evils of slavery that existed in the South of the United States. They were also meant to touch and inform certain of the Northern audience who were skeptic of the existence of this barbarian institution.

This literary form which grew out of the written records of enslaved Africans in the United States were prefaced by white abolitionists to prove the authenticity of their writings for many refused to believe and accept that black people could read and write. They were published in the 18th century by white abolitionists and soon became a mainstay of African American literature.

Writing Online Book Review Articles By Lance Winslow

Well, I have a physical library, yes real books, and it is now approaching some 4000 titles. It's amazing how much bookshelf space that takes up, and I have books all over the house. It's beginning to look like a Museum, because no one seems to be buying books anymore, well they are, but they are e-books on their e-readers. About the worst thing I can think of is to read a book cover to cover, especially a nonfiction book, and find myself so underwhelmed after I have completed.

Perhaps like you, my time is valuable, and perhaps this is the reason that as an online article author I'd like to recommend that you prepare book reviews of the books that you have read. Put them online for all to read, you might be saving someone a lot of time, and helping to recommend the very best books, helping the best authors get the word out. Still, if you are going to write book reviews do it honestly and with integrity, we don't need any more shrills out there promoting the wrong stuff.

There was a rather troubling article, at least in my opinion, recently in the New York Times on August 26, 2012 titled; "The Best Book Reviews Money Can Buy," by David Streitfeld which told of a gentleman who had a business doing book reviews for authors and publishers, for a fee. This is a real problem if the individual doesn't state that they were paid for the review clearly in the article, otherwise they are violating the "shrill marketing" rules as per the FTC.

Trust me when I tell you, this is the wrong way to play it instead you should do it right and if you are paid remember we'll need full-disclosure. That is to say that if you were paid or given a free book to read in the auspice of doing a positive review on the title, then you need to let the individual reader of that online book review know that. It might be a simple notation, or a couple sentences about how you were thrilled to receive the free book from the author to do the book review.

This way the reader knows that there could be some inadvertent positive bias in your article. Maybe there isn't, and I certainly hope there isn't, but if there is, you have disclosed to the reader the truth and reality about the situation. That's only fair would you agree? If you are going to prepare and write online articles which are book reviews, I hope you will please consider this and do it right.

Spiritual Questions Answered - Review Of The Spirits Book

Very few books have caused me to really think logically about spirituality, but The Spirits Book by Allan Kardec was one of them. Although it's not a very thick book, it has quite a bit of information about the spiritual realm. The book is presented in a "question-answer" format, so it delivers on directly addressing the readers concerns.

It's very important that the reader doesn't confuse spirituality with Spiritism. This book is not promoting Spiritism, which is the worship of various spirits. What it does speak on is the proper understanding of the spiritual existence; especially the idea of God. The book doesn't shy away from controversial questions such as: How do we prove that there is a god? Allan Kardec attempts to address these answers head-on.

There is some controversy, however, on the origins of the books contents. It is presented in a channeled or automatic writing format, which has been under scrutiny. There are libraries of books that claim automatic writing, many of which I will address in the near future. The Spirits Book was, in my personal opinion, one of the better ones. It does have its moments where it becomes uninteresting, but the vast majority of the book managed to hold my interest. The book also repeats some questions, but the answers are so interesting that one is willing to overlook this little flaw.

When I was receiving my spiritual instruction, this was one of the first books I decided to read. I had so many questions, which most people can relate to, so having a book that addresses these questions was a big help. If you are serious about receiving spiritual answers, this book is a must-read. It shouldn't be considered a religious book, because it doesn't promote any doctrine, but it does assist in pointing the reader in the right direction to continue their studies. After I read this book, I went on to read others books that added to my spiritual growth. There are many books out there, but many of them are a waste of time when it comes to spiritual study. It is very important that you read books that will add layers of understanding to your spiritual foundation. I do understand that many people may not like this book, but those who are serious about stepping out of religion, and into the realm of spirituality, this book will definitely help. This book should be on you reading list if you are searching for spiritual answers.

I am the author of "The Devil in the Flesh-The true origins of the adversary". I am also the founder of The Geary Davis Project, an organization that seeks to clear up spiritual confusion through literary resources. It is my goal to promote truth by destroying the lies of organized religion, and teaching the ways of true spirituality. My website is: http://www.g-d-project.webstarts.com

Cruel Harvest: Harsh Life for a Migrant Family

Little Frances was so exhausted from apple-picking she dozed in the trashy camp where her family barely survived. The apple harvesting was over at the orchard and Frances and her family had to move on. They heard the distant whistle of the black locomotive famously called the Virginia Creeper. It had acquired that name because of how it crept up mountains, chugging like crazy to reach the top. When it was at its slowest-that's when the family raced to jump a freight car for a free ride to their next migrant farm destination.

It was a brutally hard-scrabble life made even more unbearable by an alcoholic father who ruled the family with a fist of steel. He had perfected a number of ways to abuse both wife and children and he seemed to gain a significant twisted happiness in inflicting pain of whatever sort.

Next stop, Stilwell, Oklahoma, where they survived in a small shack with no running water and very little furniture. There was one pump where all migrant families got their water and there was one outbuilding which was only an enclosed toilet hole, dug by the farmer. Cardboard was laid down over the open bed springs. The only bright spot that night was when the daddy went out to get drunk and Mama told the kids the story about the princess and the frog.

This new release, Cruel Harvest, has received a number of positive reviews, but the ones the author, Fran Grubb, enjoys the most are candid reviews by readers. For example, here is a reader's review: "Today I am reviewing an exceptional novel by Fran Grubb which was provided to me free of any charges by the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion which I freely give.

This is the true story of a young girl who endures the most horrific ordeals through the hands of her father. Suspicious deaths and violent events will take its toll for the young girl but her faith will see her through all events in her life.

I liked this book as it was a page turner, leaving the reader cheering at some points but definitely awaiting the justice due the young girl. I found nothing about this book that I did not like and am grateful to have received it. To sum it up this is a gripping read, maybe not geared for young readers, but a definite must for all adults."

Amazing Spiritual Book: Review Of The OAHSPE

Being an avid reader of all things spiritual, I sometimes find myself discovering some very unusual literature. I try not discriminate against any good spiritual book that comes my way, and as a result, I've learned quite a bit about the existence of the immaterial world. One of the most fascinating books I've ever read was called OAHSPE by John Newbrough.

I must warn any potential readers of this book about one thing: This book is not an easy read! The OAHSPE claims to be the result of automatic writing. For anyone who isn't familiar with this concept; automatic writing is anything written by someone who claims to be under the influence of a spiritual entity. That topic will be addressed in another article.

In the OAHSPE, God is not the highest being in existence; this title goes to a being referred to as Jehovih. This is not to be mistaken to be Jehovah, or that mistranslation of YHVH that we see in today's King James Bible. Jehovih is an omnipotent being who has given the powers of creation to his angelic ambassadors. The angels are said to be responsible for not only creating heaven, but the multiple levels of hell as well. The title of God is given to the highest celestial being, and is handed down to different angels over time. In the OAHSPE, the angels have all of the creative powers. The followers of Jehovih are not called Christians, Muslims, and Jews etc. they are referred to as the faithists. Jesus isn't called the son of God, but a messenger of Jehovih. The being that we know as Jesus has another name in the OAHSPE, and this being is the final celestial being to hold the title of God.

The OAHSPE also describes how the earth has cycles, and the final earth cycle is called the Kosmon era. In fact, the OAHSPE is also known as the Kosmon Bible. According to the OAHSPE, the earth offers up a spiritual harvest at the end of each cycle. The spirits of the righteous are collected by ships called archangel. The angelic pilot of the ship is called an archangel. The archangels gather the spirits of the righteous, and place them on one of the planets of the ethereal realm. These are the planets that collectively make up the kingdom of Jehovih. According to OAHSPE, the purpose of the earth is to offer up spirits to occupy the ethereal and atmospheric realms.

This may be a lot to take in for most people, but once you get into the OAHSPE it's very difficult to stop reading. It is practically impossible for me to talk about everything the OAHSPE mentions, but I did my best to highlight the largest points. As a Christian, I actually found the OAHSPE very informative. If you have an open mind, the OAHSPE will give answers to many questions that most people may have about spiritual matters. You may question the OAHSPE origins, but you cannot question the amount of information the book offers. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about their spiritual walk, although it may be difficult to swallow for those who hold fast to religious dogma.

I am the author of "The Devil in the Flesh-The true origins of the adversary". I am also the founder of The Geary Davis Project, an organization that seeks to clear up spiritual confusion through literary resources. It is my goal to promote truth by destroying the lies of organized religion, and teaching the ways of true spirituality. My website is: http://www.g-d-project.webstarts.com

Best Selling Books For 2012

With the popularity of 'e-reader' devices increasing drastically every day, the popularity of reading has soared. Couple this with the fact that almost anybody can self-publish nowadays and any keen book lover is in for a real treat. So what are the recent top selling books? What should you sink your teeth into, let's take a little look, I can tell you for one, all of these books are a pleasure to read.

The top selling books of this year are of course the Fifty Shades Trilogy, if you don't know what these stories about then you clearly haven't being paying too much attention to the media. This book trilogy is the perfect example of 'self-publishing' gone right. What originally started as a bit of twilight fan fiction has taken the world by storm. With all three books occupying the first three spots in recent top selling books, you know that you are in for a treat. There is a reason why women all over the world are unable to put this down!

With the release of the Hunger Games this year, it is no surprise that the entire trilogy appears in recent top selling books. This is a thrilling 'young adult' book series which contains a number of different themes. The books are set in the 'future', where a number of children are thrown into an arena to fight to the death. The books follow the 'fortunes' of Katniss from her perspective. The reason why this trilogy has been so successful is down to the blending of a number of important themes, such as war and poverty. It really does open your eyes to what is going on in the world at the moment.

Another popular book series that seems to be causing a bit of a stir in the book charts is the fantasy series by George R R Martin, which of course starts with 'Game of Thrones', a popular TV show at the moment.

The thrilling Steve Jobs biography is also making a comeback, along with a number of Dr Seuss books, no doubt in part due to an upcoming animated movie based on one of the works of this successful children's writer.

Of course, with a lot of people going back to school recently, the recent top selling books list is packed full of 'educational' books, although this is expected to change at some point in the future. Although if you do want to 'expand your horizons' so to speak, then it is certainly worth checking out a couple that peak your interest.

This is just a smattering of the recent top selling books, there are a plethora of ones out there to get your teeth stuck into, with many more being released every single day. Have a look at some of the latest book reviews here. You may find that the top selling books changes often, but you can always be sure that there is going to be 'quality' in every single read. So load up your e-reader or book shelf and get reading some of the most popular books such as Game of Thrones and Fifty Shades of Grey!

The Book of the Arab

The Book of the Arab was originally first published in 1979 by Starry Wisdom Press. This book is a final report representing years of painstaking research to find evidence supporting the existence of the legendary Necronomicon.

The Necronomicon first came to the attention of the American public through the writings H.P. Lovecraft. Lovecraft makes his readers aware of this notorious book in The Hound in 1922. However, it was in The Nameless City that Lovecraft mentions the Necronomicon's mysterious author Abdul Alhazred the "Mad Arab." Lovecraft revealed little about the life and times Alhazred. This book picks up on Lovecraft's reference to Alhazred and makes the perilous journey to substantiate the validity of the Necronomicon.

The Book of the Arab is a veritable history of the Necronomicon. It's appropriate to emphasize the incredible risk that was taken to present the facts stated in this book. Underground cults bent on maintaining the secret of the Necronomicon worked vigorously to suppress its publication. In the same year that Starry Wisdom Press announced the release of The Book of the Arab, it quickly disappeared from their collection.

The Book of the Arab is available once again for occult practitioners and the curious. This book traces the printing history of the Necronomicon in line with the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. It skillfully summarizes the circulation of the Necronomicon throughout the ages. The book begins its study of the Necronomicon by examining the life of Abdul Alhazred in 730 A.D. and follows its hidden path right into the present day.

The Necronomicon found its way into the hands of many infamous magickians and mystics through several centuries, including Johannes Trithemius, Dr. John Dee, and Aleister Crowley. The Book of the Arab presents a fascinating account of these and other occult luminaries, and their experience with the Necronomicon.

Serious occult practitioners have been waiting patiently for the publication of The Book of the Arab. At last, this impossible book has been unveiled to the public. Be warned that the Necronomcon is not a common grimoire or magickian's spell book. The Necronomicon is a book of pure evil. Those who have touched the infernal book have suffered immensely. It is not advised that the Necronomicon be pursued. The author assumes no responsibility for the safety of its readers.

The Book of the Arab is sold through many online book retailers including Amazon.com. It is also available in eBook form through Kindle, Nook, and iPad.

Justin Geoffry is an occult researcher and writer. He is a graduate of Miskatonic University
with a PhD in literature. He is an expert in the area of sacred texts and has transcribed several ancient manuscripts housed in the British Museum. His research has identified the authorship of several medieval grimoires. Justin Geoffry rarely makes public appearances or interviews. He enjoys his privacy due to the controversial nature of his work.

Singing the Songs of Jesus: Revisiting the Psalms

Singing the Songs of Jesus by pastor Michael Lefebvre is a book that delivers on its promise to help the church to revisit the Psalms. Modern day evangelicals often ask "what would Jesus do?" More to the point, what did Jesus do? During the days of His incarnation, Jesus worshiped His Father, the God of Israel. One of the ways God is worshiped is through songs of praise. What songs did Jesus sing, when He worshiped the Father? The answer to this question is one of the tasks the author takes on in this book.

Pastor Lefebvre draws attention to Biblical material that is often passed over when studying the history of Israel relating to worship. At every point in the history of redemption, Israel's leaders sang songs before God and the people. The significance of this is often overlooked. Pastor Lefebvre does a remarkable job in chronically how king David was directed by God to oversee the task of creating a song book for the people of Israel to be used in worship. This involved writing songs, overseeing other composers such as Asaph, organizing choirs and musicians. After David, Solomon continued the task of completing Israel's song book.

The preeminence of the king in Israel's worship of God was an important practice. Not only did David direct the people singing songs in worship, this pattern applies to David's Greater Son, who is the Lord. Jesus is our King seated at the right hand of the Father. The apostle Paul, makes the statement that during worship we are seated with Christ in heaven, specifically; "and made us sit together in heavenly places" Ephesians 2:6. Jesus our King is enthroned at the Father's right hand, and we, through our union with Him, are led in heavenly worship by the King Jesus; "Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee" Hebrews 2:12.

The author makes the case that Jesus, our Kingly choirmaster in the heavenly, leads us in singing praises to the Father. Pastor Lefebvre succeeds not only showing that the Psalms are profitable for doctrine, they testify of Christ. They are in fact, the song book Jesus used to worship the Father. The Psalms were composed for Jesus as our perfect King and song leader.

In this brilliant work, Michael Lefebvre calls the church to once again to sing the songs of Jesus. If the church heeds this call, it will be blessed indeed. It should be the heart's desire of every believer to conform to Christ in all of our thoughts and deeds. Surely, this must also involve conforming in how we worship. Hence, the primary song book for the church should be the "Songs of Jesus." The aim of this book is to restore the songs composed for Jesus to their rightful place in His Church. This edifying book should be in the home of everyone who calls themselves Reformed.

Bling Review

Bling by Gerald Boyden is a dark crime drama set in present day Los Angeles. Filled with graphic scenes of city life, the lurid language and landscape of the streets shape the narrative. The characters in the story are larger than life; and the prose style is succinct and poetic.

Tex, a "good old boy" wearing a Stetson cowboy hat and proudly bearing the name of his home state, rides the drama from the opening scenes to the final pages of the novel. While appearing somewhat displaced in Los Angeles, due to his rough-neck manners and country western wardrobe, he proves to be a man able to acclimate to any social setting or condition. A former rodeo performer with a strong thirst for action, he has adapted to his new Skid Row lifestyle by assuming the role of a conman and common thief.

Pursued by the police from the moment we meet him in the story, Tex partners with a rag-tag team of criminals -- including a Jewish-Irish drug-dealer with an Arabic accent, an ex-pro football player who owns a hamburger joint (and roughs people up if the pay is right), and a former Navy Seal -- in order to stage a major jewelry heist. Doc Schnider, a notorious safecracker from Germany (having just served a seven year prison stint for theft), is the brains of the operation. Also known as the Professor -- although his only doctorate comes from the college of World Class Crooks -- this odd old man with a derby hat and a dirty mind has hatched a master plan to "hit" Winston's Jewelry Exchange: a Los Angeles business which houses some of the most precious gems on the west coast. But can this team of misfits and charismatic criminals come together to perform a flawless act of grand larceny?

Boyden uses a broad brush-stroke to give the reader a panoramic view of the city. Yet he is also concerned with the details, carefully drawing each character and scene with a sketch artist's precision and accuracy. Describing one section of the city he writes: "Rundown bars, cafes and liquor stores dot each side of the mean streets of Los-Angeles skid-row district. On this cold and windy night, a small group of unfortunate people are standing near the corner, warming their hands over a fire contained in a steel drum. The firemaster demolishes a wooden chair and coffee table, tossing the boards into the drum." Like the stunning vignettes interspersed throughout the story -- wherein Boyden scans the city and captures a series of urban scenes unfolding at a particular moment in time -- each vivid chapter of the narrative provides an intimate portrait of life in Los Angeles.

A cross between a Charles Bukowski poem and the movie Sin City, Bling presents the reader with a realistic vision of life on the seedier side of town. 'Scoundrels, lowlifes, pulp-protagonists, and fallen heroes' are the subjects (and stars) of the story. Written with the concision of a journalist, and a pirate's appetite for adventure, the narrative is at once gritty and aesthetically gratifying. With very little effort an imaginative director could turn this novel into an entertaining film noir.

Pruning Your Personal Library Every Few Years Considered

Every two or three years I like to prune my personal library. Currently I've been doing just that, and I'd recommend that others do the same as well. When I first started my business I had almost every business book written in the 70s and later all the business books from the 80s and 90s. Most of those I have given away because the buzzwords have changed, and that knowledge is so common it almost doesn't make sense to reread them.

Further, many of the so-called great companies which were written about have been merged out of existence, filed bankruptcy, fallen on hard times, or later we learned the truth, as much of what had been written had been done so perhaps for promotion, or used as an example by the author to promote his own fame as a writer.

Let me give you another example. This morning, I got an interesting e-mail from someone in Australia who wished to discuss some of our mutual readings, apparently he had read some of my book reviews. One of the authors he mentioned was Robert Kiyosaki who wrote "Rich Dad Poor Dad," it's a book I read because it was on the New York Times bestseller list for so long, and came out around the same time period as "The Millionaire Next Door," although, at the time I didn't really like "Rich Dad Poor Dad," because much of the advice which was given seemed to be less than what I would consider ethical, and realize I have a pretty high bar.

Later in the day, that evening on the news, it turns out that the author of that book and filed for bankruptcy owing some $24 million to those that helped make him famous and promoted his book tours. Although he had been worth some $80 million, his attorneys probably advised him to file for bankruptcy so he could get out of the debt. It seems to me that someone writing a book explaining how to become wealthy might go about their own business affairs in a slightly different matter if you see what I mean. Therefore, today this is one of the books which I discarded, and it will surely end up at the local thrift store, it's a decent charity, and they have a used book section.

You probably have many books on your bookshelf where things have changed, and where your life has grown, and you no longer need these books, nor would you wish to display them on your shelf. This especially occurs with nonfiction books, and that's just one of the reasons I advise you to prune your personal library every few years, going through each book, on each shelf and deciding which ones you might donate, give to friends, or throw out. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Many Topics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net

Is The Intelligence Industrial Complex Out of Control - What In God's Name Is the CIA Doing?

Well, they say in the CIA that nothing is as it appears. The world of spy craft is filled with misdirection, false media reports, political manipulation, and plausible deniability. As I write this in mid-October of 2012 it seems as if the American people cannot seem to get the true information about what happened in Libya embassy attack, where our ambassador to Libya was killed on September 11, 2012. We can't seem to get any satisfaction at of our State Department, the Obama administration, our news media, or even the global media for that matter.

We were told one thing, then another, now nothing adds up. So what the heck is going on? Is the intelligence industrial complex out of control, and what in God's name is are CIA doing? How come they didn't know that there were Al Qaeda insurgents in Libya, or that they had been infiltrated in the local militias there? Was Iran involved, are we headed for something bigger, why is there a big dark secret surrounding this event? Don't the American people have the right to know? Just because there's an ongoing investigation doesn't mean our government should lie to us, or does it?

Well, now we're getting somewhere in this conversation. Remember, "nothing is as it appears," there's a lot more going on behind the scenes, what we do not know, we are not told, and those who think they know and are spouting their opinions all over the news media do not know what they're talking about or they are purposefully misdirecting us, and those that do know the facts remain silent.

There is a very interesting book I'd like to have you read, and yes, it is a book I do personally own, and it resides on my spy-craft shelf of my personal library. The book is:

"CIA - Secrets of 'the Company'" by Mick Farren, published by Barnes and Noble Books, New York, NY, 2004, 304 pages, ISBN: 0-7607-5963-4.

This book talks about the CIA in Guatemala, Cuba, Bay of Pigs, Air America, the Phoenix program and some of their PSYOPS of the past. It explains why we have the CIA, how it was founded, and some of the things that they are doing around the globe. There is information about the agency, their training, their strategies, and the unbelievable power they have available at their disposal.

The book is interesting, and it is scary. It makes you think about why the CIA's needed and why there needs to be control. I think after you read this book you will better understand some of what you hear it read in the mass media. Please consider all this and think on it.

Books: The Best Companions of Human Beings

Books..! Some can call it a good knowledge source, some call it a source of fun to get rid of boredom and for some people it is a passion so different people have different opinions regarding books. They are the best companions of human beings and they play a vital role in almost every person's life. Books are helpful in providing a huge and advanced knowledge to a person as well as they help in building new and motivated ideas to develop a business. Reading books are the best source to get relaxed, feel more fresh and energetic as they are the silent source of information. So you can buy loads of books from various sources to enhance your knowledge and make your mind free from tension.

There is enormous category of books available in the market and you can get the book of almost any topic but the prime thing is; from where to get your desired book with ease and comfort. Although there are many land based stores from where you can buy books but if you are finding a rare book then it becomes very difficult for you to find it as you cannot get it easily from a single shop. You have to rush from here and there in search of it which makes you feel more exerted as well as tired. So it is suggested to buy books from online book stores because they are the one stop shop for your desire.

Why You Should Prefer Online Shopping:

With the online shopping you can do comparison among various options of not only a book but of any product by reading the reviews of customers. You can find rare books without any exhaustion which you are not getting from the local book stores. Also you can do price comparisons of numerous online websites and then you can buy the book from that online store which provides more benefits and cheap books to you. All these things have made online shopping very much successful as almost the whole world is buying from online sources due to their busy and fast life. One more reason why you should prefer online shopping is that you do not have to go on land based stores as you can simply sit at home and order books from the comfort of your own place. All you need is a stable internet connection on your personal computer system. This saves a lot of time as well as money and it is fully exertion free.

Some Additional Benefits of Online Buying:

- The online book stores provide an array of books options with distinctive authors so you can choose your preferred book among all.

- They provide regular customer support as anytime you can converse with them in case of any query.

- It is easier to buy books online rather than to go on a local store, which is completely hassle free and full of fun.

- You can choose the best book for yourself by having a look on different options such as different book blogs.

- There are some online stores that provide free shipping services, discount coupons and

buy back policies to their customers.

- Anytime you can search for a book even at midnight as online stores provide 24 hours availability to their customers.

Some Important Points to Remember Before Buy a Book Online:

Before you buy a book from online book stores there are some important things that you must keep in your mind. The first thing is that you should choose a safe and secure online store that must have SSL certification. Shopping with these online stores will safe your personal information of credit cards, email and home addresses and phone numbers as they always use high encryption techniques for all these transactions. So choose a relevant, reliable and safe online store to buy a book online.

Reading books to us is a good thing and these are our true friend or soul mate which can never deceive us. Right from childhood, a person is taught to value books. Man is habituated to increasing his knowledge. Books are the main source of knowledge even they cannot speak but silently speak a thousand of words to us.

Basic Bahasa Indonesian Words and Phrases

Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. Just like any other country with many dialects, the Bahasa language unites all of its people. Bahasa Indonesian also has its similarities with the Malaysian Bahasa language. Although they are almost the same, they are not entirely similar. In fact there are other words or phrases, which are used differently in both languages. Nevertheless, Bahasa is one language that is truly worthwhile to learn.

If you have plans of visiting Indonesia, or perhaps plan to stay there indefinitely, you will be doing yourself a great favor if you take some time to learn the Bahasa Indonesian language. The best time to learn it is before you arrive in Indonesia, of course. If you're unable to communicate with the locals, you might see yourself singled out from the mainstream of society. While many also know how to speak a few English words, most Indonesians still do not know how to speak English fluently. You might find yourself in a difficult situation in dealing with them if you are faced with a language barrier.

Bahasa Indonesian is a very interesting language and is easy to learn. You just have to be mindful of the stress and intonation of certain words here and there. Apart from that, you will be good to go.

To help you get through your Bahasa Indonesian lessons, here are some of the basic words or phrases that you need to keep in handy:

Good morning - Selamat Pagi

Good afternoon - Selamat Siang

Good evening - Selamat Malam

If you are leaving, you can say:

Good-bye - Selamat Tinggal

Or if you want to say goodbye to a person leaving:

Good-bye - Selamat Jalan

Here are some more important phrases:

Thank you - Terima Kasih

You're welcome - Sama-Sama

How are you? - Apa kabar?

Excuse me - Permisi / Maaf

After learning these few words, and when you land in Indonesia, you may opt to enrol yourself in a formal Bahasa Indonesian language school to help you polish your newly acquired dialect. This will help you in dealing with the locals, and every day living as well. You can also find other foreigners who have stayed in Indonesia for years and you can ask them to help you get around the locality.

Great Reads

Reading is an important aspect of many people's lives. Books can be found everywhere in a modernized society. They can be found in print and digital forms. Anywhere you look you have access to books. So many books sometimes you really don't know what you should read. Sure you can join a book club, but there are downsides of that. In the next few paragraphs I will give a list of books at a basic to intermediate vocabulary level and reasons why you should consider reading them.

The first book I would like to recommend to you is the Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby, written by Fitzgerald is set in the roaring twenties and has a great story line. Along with the story line, a lot of double meanings and deep ideas are woven in the words and are seen with thought of the reader. In addition, the book is really well written, Fitzgerald did a very nice job on The Great Gatsby, possibly one of the most popular classics.

Next, I would recommend reading To Kill a Mockingbird. This book is also a great classic. This theme of this book is more straight-forward than the Great-Gatsby and is slightly easier vocabulary. The story is very good and the characters are developed extremely well. By the end of the book you should have a strong attachment to the main characters. I would recommend for all ages to read this great book.

The next book I would recommend reading some people might disagree with. The book I am talking about is actually a play titled The Importance of Being Earnest. This book is hilarious. It is about some lads in Britain and is full of Irony. The author Oscar Wilde did a fantastic job with the plot. The story line is brilliantly clever. The play is short and divided into three acts. If you have not read this you are missing out.

The next book I suggest for you to read is Night. Night has the exact opposite tone of The Importance of Being Earnest, being very serious and realistic. Night is a book about the Holocaust and is very emotional. Personally, I thought this book was better than The Diary of Anne Frank. Elie Wiesel draws from his experience of the Holocaust and writes a very realistic, emotional novel based on a weary part of his life.

Another book I would like to suggest that is a harder read is The Odyssey. I would highly urge you to read the abridged version, unless you are up for a challenge or are a more advanced reader. The Odyssey is an epic, epic poem. Although more lengthy than the other books I have suggested. I found this book to be very interesting. Anyone who likes mythology will find this great poem interesting.

E-Books Vs P-Books

Isn't it always the same? Whenever something new, especially if revolutionary and therefore possibly quite strange, comes along, the majority of us ignore it like an irritating fad too foolish to acknowledge. Others inquisitively take notice, read the blurb, nod wisely, but carry on as before. However a few pioneers totally embrace it without a seconds thought, making whatever is innovative the centre of their lives.

E-books are like that, wouldn't you say?

A fervent bookworm friend of mine was given an e-reader for his birthday. He was so intimidated by it that he didn't unwrap it for two weeks. Then he reluctantly toyed with it for another week, downloading a free book. Read a bit. Put it down. Read a couple of paper books - p-books. Picked it up again. Browsed awhile longer; finally switching it off with lingering uncertainty. And then...


He was off. He couldn't get enough of it. 'There's something so compelling about it,' he said. 'The screen is the size of a paperback and weighs the same or even less. I have a dozen or more books on it and it's still the same weight! I'm also trying to reduce my reliance on reading glasses, so I just increased the font size. It's incredible!'

Suddenly he's a happier, more enriched reader. He still reads p-books, especially hardbacks, for they have undeniable tactile significance: the touch of quality paper, the rich smell of print, the intriguing dust jacket, and its status on the shelf. But more and more, the ease of e-reading, especially for the traveller, is gaining ground. Where would overloaded commuters be without them? They are now part of our techno-gizmo generation.

For those who actually read books, of course.

Ah, but that last sardonic remark is being contradicted, for seldom-reading gadget kids are now reading books because that's obviously the purpose of an e-reader, another must-have along with iphones and ipads of the iwant society.

So that's book readers sorted. What about me as a book writer? I have written a WWII thriller, Island of Steel. Feedback from trusted test readers was 100% positive. One agent did nothing with it. A second was over the moon, but got too busy with existing clients. And you need an agent to get your manuscript to publishers. Who are themselves in turmoil over the current financial downturn and this dynamic e-book interloper giving them a slap in their old-fashioned typeface.

I can publish an e-book any time I want, and for free! Knowing I have this immediate outlet with no one controlling my career has released my creativity and boosted my confidence. There is just you, my global public, and I. And I can print low priced p-books for traditionalists. Myself included.

However, let's take an objective view at e-books vs. p-books.

The paper book is totally self-contained and sustainable - once the trees that made it have been replaced. But it is easily ripped and creased by careless use. Spilled water bloats the paper and distorts it. Deadly fire destroys it in seconds. And Philistines dog-ear its wisdom-filled pages. Yet, if mollycoddled, the same book is read and reread for years, acquiring a special charm, becoming a friend, as cosy and comforting as a pet on your lap.

But no plastic e-reader can seriously swell the heart with dignity and respect, can it? Will we see one stand proudly on a library shelf along with its peers? Silly notion, for each e-reader is a library in itself, and will soon store thousands of titles, old and new. All knowledge will be contained therein. But if you drop it, whoops, you've lost the lot. And if you forget to charge the little beast with its electrical nourishment, it becomes just another disposable gadget that doesn't work, your invaluable books locked away inside this slim, sleek, and damned useless fancy case!

And can the precious metals clawed from the suffering earth required to build it be replaced? Not from this planet, unless technology changes - as it usual does, given time and incentive.

P-books can have important comments scribbled on the margins. But e-readers have a facility to make as many notes as words in the e-book itself. Elegant bookmarks enhance the p-book, although a button will permanently bookmark any e-book page. And not fall out. Another button will turn the page, and advanced ones allow you to sweep a finger to do it. P-books require external light to read them, while e-readers have a built-in light source so you can read in a power cut.

Now, you can't really give an e-book for a present, can you? An e-reader, yes, but generally only one per person, until a new model becomes an essential substitute. But p-books are the mainstay of gift giving. When you have chosen one, what greater pleasure is there than writing a personal loving message inside? However no one can seriously scratch a meaningful dedication on an e-reader, can they?

Everything has it place and purpose, let's admit. Books of fiction and non-fiction with just words are fine as e-books. And big p-books with glossy photos and fold-out pages are perfect for coffee tables. Students need to be surrounded by reference books they can jump

from book to book and back again. Alongside googling on an internet connected hand-held device, of course.

Children's books: no doubt, some large ipads will contain big colourful pictures and big print as current p-books do. But can you love Pooh Bear or the Gruffalo the same? (And please don't use the television analogy when the kiddies are being settled to sleep). But anything is possible, I suppose. And very probable.

As for myself, I haven't got an e-reader yet. I download e-books onto my laptop, and snuggle up on cold dark nights in a warm bed with it, all the while lovingly stroking one of my trusted old paper volumes as I read.

And fall asleep with e-dreams of an exciting if unsettling ever-inventive future.

Isn't it always the same? Whenever something new, especially if revolutionary and therefore potentially quite strange, comes along, the majority of us ignore it like an irritating fad too foolish to acknowledge. Others inquisitively take notice, read the blurb, nod wisely, but carry on as before. However a few pioneers totally embrace it without a seconds thought, making whatever is innovative the centre of their lives.